
Graham’s Newsletter

A 33 year old real estate agent and investor with over $120M in residential real estate sales. This is my way of sharing actionable ideas that will make you a smarter and wealthier investor.

Homebuyer regrets

Hey there! Just a quick announcement: Since I’ve started posting slightly less, I’ve been inundated with people asking if I’d offer YouTube, Business / Marketing, and Real Estate consulting. I recently did one-on-one calls with a few readers and it went incredibly well. I enjoyed talking to them a lot too. Now that my schedule is slightly more flexible, if you’re interested in booking a consulting call and speaking with me directly, fill out the form below to see if it’s a good fit. I’ll make...

Higher Taxes

When I saw the headlines talking about a new “45% Capital Gains Tax Rate,” expiring middle-class tax cuts, and otherwise bringing the “highest tax rate – for many – in a century,” I initially wanted to stay out of it, because I hate getting political and being taken out of context. Source: Tax Foundation But I’m going on a limb to talk about this topic because there’s a ton of misinformation openly being spread as fact – and because the full proposal is 256 pages of fine print, I don’t want...

My worst financial mistakes

Hey there! Just a quick announcement: Since I’ve started posting slightly less, I’ve been inundated with people asking if I’d offer YouTube, Business / Marketing, and Real Estate consulting. Now that my schedule is slightly more flexible, if you’re interested in booking a consulting call and speaking with me directly, fill out the form below to see if it’s a good fit. I’ll make some time each week to speak with a few of you, one-on-one, about your YouTube channel, Real Estate Deal, Business,...

Bitcoin is back

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”– Not Gandhi Few people are as famous in the Bitcoin community as Laszlo Hanyecz, the man who bought two Papa John’s pizzas using Bitcoin in what was one of the first commercial transactions on the network. But what’s so special about buying pizza with Bitcoin, you ask? The amount. He paid 10,000 BTC for that one purchase – worth approximately $41 at the time, in 2010. Now, 10,000 BTC is worth $667 million! The...

The NAR Lawsuit Settlement

If this is your first time here, you can subscribe here to never miss an update: Subscribe I didn’t think I would be talking about this topic because I wasn’t sure there was enough interest in it – but after tons of mails and requests from people to explain how the situation will affect them, I changed my mind. If you’re not familiar with the situation, this is huge… It affects everyone from buyers and sellers to existing homeowners, but most of all, real estate agents. Though I haven’t had...

Three Money Ideas – The guest who became an owner

Hi! If you're new here, you can subscribe and check out all previous issues here: Subscribe here Time in the market vs timing the market If you're itching to time the market, here's a cautionary tale: If you had invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 and left it untouched, it would have grown to $64,000 in 20 years.But missing just the best 10 days – out of 7,300 days – would drop your return to $29,000. If you missed the best 20 days, you'd lose out on $47,000 worth of profit. If you miss the best...

How to prepare for the market crash

Here’s a thought experiment: An AI program tells you that a market crash of 30% will happen within the next five years, and you can prepare for it. What would you do? Would you hold cash waiting for the crash to happen? Would you be excited for the crash? Would you avoid investing altogether and "play it safe"? Now hold that thought while I add one more detail – The AI program is faulty. While the market crash is definitely happening, it could happen in 8 years or 3 years instead of 5 years....

Why everyone needs a living trust

What's up guys, it's Graham here! Today's issue is a first: It's a sponsored deep-dive. I have never dedicated an entire issue to a sponsor before, but this is a topic that very few people are aware of: How to protect your assets by creating a living trust. It can have a huge impact on not just you, but your family and next generation as well. Today's sponsor GetDynasty aims to solve that problem. They can help you create a living trust in minutes from the comfort of your phone. I think their...

Taking a step back

What's up guys, it's Graham here. This article is going to be very different from what you usually read on the newsletter. If you’re a long-time reader of the newsletter who wants to know what’s going on behind the scenes, how I’m thinking about the YouTube channel, my different projects, and the place they occupy in my life, then this article is for you. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you might even find something in here that you could apply to your life. But if you’re...

Three Money Ideas – How to foil AI scammers

Hi! If you're new here, you can subscribe and check out all previous issues here: Subscribe here How are scammers using AI to extort money? Scammers are now demanding ransom by faking voices of loved ones. The voices sound so real that 77% of victims paid up. For example, the New Yorker reported the story of Robin who got a call at 2 am claiming that her mother-in-law Mona was held hostage. The lady could hear a voice on the other end and it sounded exactly like Mona. The criminal extorted...

A 33 year old real estate agent and investor with over $120M in residential real estate sales. This is my way of sharing actionable ideas that will make you a smarter and wealthier investor.